Recently, the gender flip version of the 1999 classic She’s All That was released to Netflix. In a short-lived debut, He’s All That starring Tiktok’s Addison Rae and Cobra Kai’s Tanner Buchanan is one in a mass of reimagined classics that have recently graced our screens. The new movie which unsurprisingly is full of painfully obvious production mistakes, underwhelming acting, lazy attempts at humor and rigid lines layered with stereotypical and outdated cliches seems to have garnered mixed reactions. While some are unimpressed at Hollywood’s latest attempt at cinematic art, others adore it for what it is- a cheesy, empty, time filler. Simply put- it’s bad and it has been done before. Yet this is becoming a trend....
Country, Hip-hip, Jazz, Rock; Black people do it all. In fact, Black people originated these music genres. So why is it still shocking when we see a black person dominating these fields. When Lil Nas X released “Old Town Road” the air of disbelief that followed was palpable. People could not fathom a young Black man singing what he described as “country trap” and doing so quite successfully. The authenticity and the “country-ness” of his music was debated endlessly which exposed a lot of hypocrisy within the music industry. It was as though people had conveniently forgotten that country music originated with blues and has deep roots in Black culture...

It is no surprise that the growth of the Honors College has come with new dynamic professors that are bound to enrich the honors experience for students. Dr. Menrisky, a Professor fairly new to the university, is one of these exciting additions that has become a part of the honors fabric recently...
So Many Old (White) Men: The Struggle of New-Age Climate Activism
By Staff Writer Busola Awobode
Currently, we are surrounded by predominantly white, male world leaders well beyond the prime of their lives. The average age of world leaders has increased since 1945 with a large percentage of them being above the age of 60, some even as old as 80. The exception would be select European countries who have younger, sometimes female leaders like Finland Prime Minister, Sanna Marin (age 34). Nevertheless, the 2020 presidential election between Donald Trump (age 74) and Joe Biden (age 78) has further spurred the discourse about older leaders and their ability to govern...

The term “Black Love” ought to be synonymous with care and power. Yet like many other things designed to uplift the Black population it is criticized as hurtfully exclusive. Bringing the love back into Black narratives is something that Ayo Handy-Kendi took upon herself in 1993 when she created Black Love Day. This day was envisioned to be a 24-hour celebration of love for one another as Black individuals and to affirm Black love. On Black Love Day we should as Handy-Kendi says demonstrate the five tenets of love which are love for the creator, love for ourselves, love for our families, love for the Black community and love for the Black race. Because loving and appreciating ourselves does not mean hating others. So, this year for Black Love Day we highlight and celebrate three exquisite couples who embody Handy-Kendi’s vision of Black Love every day both in their relationships and their professional lives...
Currently, in Massachusetts, only 31.5% of state representatives identify as women. This means that those who identify as men outnumber women about 3:1 in state legislature. Meanwhile, women outnumber men in Massachusetts. And these numbers while jarring are quite standard regardless of location. After more than two hundred decades, the United States welcomed our First Female Vice President who is also the first Vice President of Black and South Asian descent. So, if in two hundred years we are still experiencing firsts such as these, it is anticipated that women are severely underrepresented in politics and even more so women in communities of color...

We seem to be in the era of biopics. From House of Gucci to Spencer and Pam and Tommy, there is a big push to watch real-life dramatics on the big screen. While these stories are exciting, it is easy to forget that the characters are not fictional, people lived through them, some of which are enthusiastic about these movies, but not many are...